Enabling the Delivery of Institute Initiatives and Building Greater Project Management Capability

Portfolio, Program, and Project Management
GTSC is committed to building capacity across Georgia Tech through our organizational effectiveness communities of practice.
Our Portfolio, Program and Project Management Community of Practice (P3) provides more direct support and coaching for people across campus who have responsibilities for managing projects, programs, or portfolios of projects. The community of practice is focused primarily on supporting project, program, and portfolio managers from the ISP implementation and President’s Goals initiatives but is open to all members of the Georgia Tech community.
P3 started with 25 people in 2023 and has grown to over 70 P3 Managers from across the Institute who participate. Through a monthly forum, the group learns and exchanges ideas about best practices. P3 has provided tools and training in new areas like strategic foresight and leadership styles and standard project and portfolio tools like stakeholder analysis, AAR, and project planning. A regular Speaker Series brings in subject matter experts, internally and externally, in various areas that impact project management and higher education like AI in project management. P3 normal meetings are virtual but also provides opportunities for in-person collaboration, which includes the P3 Networking and End of Year Celebration Event and a P3 Annual Retreat.
The value of Project and Portfolio Management services include:
- Enabling projects to be delivered in scope, on time, and on budget.
- Increasing the capability and capacity of the Georgia Tech Community to successfully lead and execute projects.
- Enabling the Georgia Tech community to drive project performance by instilling the appropriate mindset, a broad skillset, and a comprehensive toolset for effective project management.
Project Management Resources
Training Opportunities