Strategy Matters – Creating and Implementing Actionable Plans to Achieve and Sustain Success

Georgia Tech Strategic Consulting (GTSC) collaborates with the Georgia Tech community to develop and implement strategic and operational plans that align with Institute priorities and include clearly defined goals, objectives, strategies, tactics, success metrics, timelines, and owners for each major effort. While we work primarily on enterprise-level strategies, we help divisional and college leaders create plans that align with the Institute strategy.
Strategy Development
- Institute-wide visioning, innovation generation, goal setting, and prioritization
- Developing new products or services and performing strategic analysis and planning based on student/learner/customer needs, market/revenue opportunities, and cost/benefit
- Helping Divisions or Colleges align their unit strategies with the Institute strategy
Strategy Implementation
- Structuring the Institute-wide approach to implement the Institute Strategic Plan (ISP)
- Convening collaborations between and across initiatives and units
- Creating concrete actions plans for Institute-wide strategy implementation
- Analyzing resource needs and capacity, and developing budget requests
- Ensuring clearly defined outcomes, metrics, roles/responsibilities, actions/assignments
- Tracking, measuring, and monitoring progress and results
- Managing allocation and accountability of Institute-level strategic funding
- Scheller College of Business
- Alumni Association
- Office of the General Counsel
- Office of the Executive Vice President for Research