

GTSC is here to Advance Georgia Tech's Strategic Priorities Through Organizational Effectiveness Services.

Cultivating organizational excellence through our role as a trusted advisor, by providing solid decision support, and nurturing our areas of improvement.

Community is central to our work as we are a convener, facilitator, catalyst and champion for excellence across the Georgia Tech community. 

Culture alignment with strategy involves understanding and shaping the beliefs, values, assumptions, priorities and behaviors so we can accomplish our collective aspirations.

Capabilities are needed to accomplish new goals and objectives and we develop them through education, demonstration, practice, and reiteration. 


Vision Statement:

Over the next three years, GTSC aspires to create greater measurable value, by being proactively and predictively engaged as a connector and catalyst for community collaboration.



  1. Serve as a trusted advisor, convenor, and thought-partner to campus leaders in order to implement the ISP initiatives.​
  2. Equip the Georgia Tech community with the knowledge, skills, and tools to advance institutional strategic priorities and improve organizational effectiveness. ​
  3. Support student success academically, professionally, and strategically through direct student engagement and ensuring that students are our top priority as we implement the strategic plan.​
  4. Enhance the well-being, professional development, and team effectiveness in GTSC, while leading by example across the Georgia Tech community.​